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Softeners are essential additives in textile finishing, offering a multitude of benefits that enhance the quality and comfort of fabrics. They impart a soft and smooth hand to textiles, reducing stiffness and improving drape. Additionally, softeners can provide anti-static properties, enhance absorbency, and improve the overall appearance of fabrics. By meeting consumer expectations for softness and comfort, softeners play a crucial role in creating high-quality textiles that are both luxurious and appealing.


Product Properties Application
CONCORDE AOZ Anti-Ozone Softener Denim fabrics are often exposed to ozone, which can lead to degradation of the fabric fibres and cause discoloration or yellowing. Anti-ozone softeners create a protective barrier on the fabric surface, shielding it from ozone damage and prolonging the fabric's lifespan.
CATSOFT CL Cationic Softener Liq. cationic softener for woven, knits and Garments
GEOSOFT FLK Cationic Softener Flakes Conc Cationic Flakes, can dilute 1:10 to 1:15, Cold water soluble
CATSOFT BVL Cationic Softener Liq.cationic softener for woven, knits and Garments
GEOSOFT PWR Cationic Softener Instant soluble cationic softener in powder form


Product Properties Application
GEOSOFT WN Non-ionic Softener Semi viscous softener for light and 100% white Garments and knits
GEOSOFT WN100 Non-ionic Softener Suits for 100% White Garment & Woven goods


Product Properties Application
BIOSOFT JS4200 Silicone Softener Conc. Microsilicone Emulsion for Woven, Knits and Garments
BIOSOFT JSS PLUS Hydrophobic Softener Premium range of Micro Silicone Emulstion
BIOSOFT JSS SPL Hydrophobic Softener Economic range of Micro Silicone Emulstion for woven and knits
SILKYSOFT HY Hydrophilic Sil.Softener Economic range of Micro Silicone Emulsion for woven, knits and Terry Towel
SILKYSOFT HY3500 Hydrophilic Sil.Softener Premium range of Micro Silicone Emulsion for woven, knits and Terry Towel
SILKYSOFT SW Hydrophobic Softener Silicone softener for Garment washing
BIOSOFT SLS Hydrophobic Softener Hydrophilic cata-silicone softener blends for Woven garments and knits

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